I am here today!!!

Today, i share an activity that i read about and tried and it turned out to be a grand success at my school.
Morning attendance was turning to be a chore that just needs to be completed ..so we decided to make it a lot more fun.

On the wall the teacher has two large laminated poster boards. One of the poster boards says “Our Class.” All the children’s names are on this board when they arrive to school each day.

The other poster board says “I Am Here Today.”Both of the poster boards have Velcro dots on them and the children’s names are written on various theme characters with Velcro attached to the back of each one of them.

During morning circle, the teacher sings a little tune that goes very much in tune with "London bridge is falling down."
As the teacher sings each child’s name, the chosen child goes to the board, picks his or her name from the “Our Class” poster board and moves it to the “I Am Here Today” poster board.

The children loved having the teacher call their names and taking a turn to move their names so everyone would know who had come to school today!


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