Try this intriguing presentation to keep circle time exciting and inviting. This activity can be taken for both kindergarten and grade 1&2.

Create a movie-theater atmosphere!!!! Pop popcorn and put it in individual paper cups. Then move chairs to the circle time area, and set them up in several rows across with a space in the middle, just like at the movies.
Now play some fun music on the cassette player. Prop a new storybook on a table in front of the chairs. Put a powerful flash light on the table, aiming it spotlight-style at the story-book, and turn it on.
Pass out the popcorn and turn off the overhead lights. Invite the children to quietly file into their special circle time theater, sit in their seats, and eat their popcorn. Next, turn off the music and begin to read and turn the pages of the new book featured in the spotlight.

What to do Next-Guidance….

After the reader’s theater show, call the children to come out and narrate the story in their own words…. (My teachers at the Sr.Kg have found it great fun)
You can get children to try their own shadow play performance on a blank wall, using hand motions in front of the flashlight.
An after activity can be, asking children to give a different ending to the story , and illustrating any scene .


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