Keeping an Art Room set and ready for the preschoolers can be a challenging task. Children will become fully engaged with their play only when the shelves are orderly and inviting.Here are a few practical suggestions- try them- they work!!
- EGG CARTONS: with edges taped together can be great scissor holders.
- ICE CREAM CONTAINERS:make good paper holders.They can also be used to store collage materials.Several containers stapled together work as a good multipurpose trays to hold a variety of small items.
- A SIX PACK CARDBOARD BEVERAGE HOLDER:can be made into paint caddies.You can place small plastic cups inside in each of the six slots.Or place squeeze bottles filled with paint into the slots ready for use.Children can just lift the caddy to their tables/easels.
- PLASTER OF PARIS HOLDER: is the perfect storage for marker caps that keep rolling under.All you need to do is place the marker caps upside down on wet plaster of paris.Once the pop hardens the caps shall stay in place... and markers can be removed and placed back.
- YARN,RIBBONS AND MORE...: it can be a tiring task undoing a bundle of ribbon's left behind by an enthusiastic bunch of art lovers.Here's an easy way to avoid tangling of threads and more.All you need is a cardboard box with corrugated dividers.The dividers make convenient space for individual rolls /balls of yarn, strings, ribbon's etc.You can punch a hole on the top and pull out a small strand through the whole.
- AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS: are great to hold play dough and clay and plasticine.Biscuit containers ,pringle containers are ideal for this.
A child's mind is much more creative and artistic than any art book can allow.Give them the freedom to unfurl their talent....Designate a shelf in your classroom where you can place the ART BASKET....and see the difference.....
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